Want to help establish an outstanding new medical school?

The raison d’etre of NewMed is to establish and deliver an innovative, geographically dispersed 4-year graduate entry medical program. The rationale is to provide more doctors for Australia, with emphasis on primary care and rural practice. Given that many of the graduate students will be able to study from home, access will be improved for non-metro students.

NewMed recently lodged its submission to TEQSA, to become a University College. Stage 1 submission for accreditation by the AMC is scheduled for late 2024. NewMed is NOT yet a medical school, hoping to commence in 2026.

Our philosophy is grounded in innovation and difference. The MD Program intentionally commences with supervised clinical experience in general practice, the locations planned to relate to the student’s residence. This clinical learning in primary care expands across the second and third years. The final year is hospital based, about hospital specialities and year-long preparation for internship, with entrustable professional activities, case-based discussions and more.

NewMed is not replicating any current Australian medical school, nor has it purchased another medical school’s curriculum. NewMed will facilitate learning in small groups, with case-based learning framed by body systems.  Using small group learning, longitudinal streams are woven in, being about the non-bioscience aspects of medicine in depth. Regular face-to-face (B2B) weeks complement this design, allowing social interactions and professional learning across the NewMed community. Our First Nations curriculum is structured across the program, integrated and cultural safety training is embedded. By completion of the program, students will have demonstrated the AMC Graduate Outcomes.

Our programmatic assessment philosophy is well developed, cohesive and advanced compared to most medical schools. Non-graded overall assessment and extensive use of workplace-based assessments are essential components of this system. NewMed is keen to make great use of its Progress Panels, employing assessment analytics for early detection of below expected performance(s), supportive interventions where required and end-of-year review becoming a panel decision. This system of assessment has received favourable commentary. An excellent LMS, Examsoft and Myprogress  will underpin the program.

Myprogress provides the system for a reflective portfolio with structured interviews across the program. The MD research project will be performed in 3rd year, after suitable research skills training. High-quality projects are expected.

In summary, all at NewMed are excited by the prospects of this innovative medical program.

Newmed is seeking expressions of interest from medical, academic and professional staff:

  1. MD Program Director.
  2. Physicians and GPs to develop more curriculum and teach into the program when it commences.
  3. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders with experience in medical or tertiary education to become the First Nation Health Lead.
  4. Discipline leads for Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Mental Health.
  5. GPs to function as liaison and student support in the Eastern States.
  6. GPs to host medical students in placements across the Eastern States.
  7. Educational Research Lead and/or Evaluation Lead with medical or health professional educational research experience.
  8. Professional staff to assist with placement administration.
  9. Professional staff to assist with applications, selection, enrolment and assessment management.

Commencement dates are flexible: some positions are available now, some in 2025.

NewMed will provide competitive remuneration and in many cases, academic title, once it becomes a University College.

Please review out website for more information about NewMed.

Initial enquiries to NewMed Chief Operating Officer, Mr Bob O’Connor by email bob.oconnor@newmedschool.com by 31/08/2024 a brief professional overview, your availability, and attach a current CV.