Welcome to NewMed.

NewMed is an innovative company developing a new medical school for Australia. This will use a geographically distributed model, early general practice experience, online small group teaching, cutting-edge technology resources, regular in-person back-to-base workshop weeks and modern assessment methods.
NewMed is establishing a new 4-year graduate medical school, with an emphasis on primary care and appealing to prospective students living in outer urban, rural and remote Australia.
NewMed is advancing through regulatory processes (TEQSA, AMC) and plans for its first cohort to commence in 2026, subject to regulatory approval.
Students will be distributed across the country, learning through a new high-quality MD Program.
The delivery model uses advanced technologies to engage students in facilitated online small group learning, complemented by face-to-face weeks, and professionally supervised placements.

Aspiring doctors can study medicine in their home community across the first three years. Supervised clinical time in General Practice is needed for 4 hours per week in the first year, increasing to 8 hours/week (year 2) and 24 hours/week (year 3).
Year 4 will require clinical placements in towns with suitable hospitals.
Supporting your investment in the next generation, NewMed offers a stipend (similar and in addition to any PIP payments), active support and training from NewMed GP academics, and the opportunity of a local student remaining with a local practice over three years, developing their skills and contributing to care under supervision.
Would you like to support a local to become a doctor?
Please email soon GPplacements@newmedschool.com.au
NewMed visits GP24
Rural Medicine Australia (RMA)
Do you practise in outer urban, regional, rural or remote communities?
NewMed celebrates its TEQSA submission
General practice from day dot
NewMed goes to RDAQ
Welcome Dr. Natasha Yates
NewMed Curriculum team joined by Ottawa Conference guest speakers in Melbourne

Our Mission
To establish an outstanding new Medical School in Australia.

Our Vision
Our graduates will be well versed in all elements of medical practice including primary care medicine.
They will be distinguished in their practice as safe, trusted, and self-aware with excellent teamwork and communication skills.
They will practise sustainably, building on their knowledge of the individual, community, societal, environmental and financial complexities of the health care system.
As medical graduates, they will be informed by clinical research and evidence-based medicine.

Our Values
- Our environment creates respect and collegiality
- Excellence in teaching and scholarship with leading medical educators
- Innovative technologies are integral
- Exceptional pastoral and learning support services
- Academic freedom and academic integrity
- Access from/in outer urban, regional, rural and remote locations
Australia needs more doctors! Currently, Australia imports as many doctors each year as it graduates from its own medical schools. The NewMed program aims to graduate doctors that will serve the needs of each student’s local community, including those in outer-urban, rural, and remote areas.
Our graduates will follow many and varied medical careers.